We certify Miljöbyggnad 4.0

2 februari 2024

We certify Miljöbyggnad (Environmental Building) 4.0 where the taxonomy is part of the exciting news. Now we can tailor the certification for our customers and clients. We start from their core issues and experiences of operations and management. Then we coordinate the entire certification process from early sketch, through request documents and contracts to final verification.

“By certifying your project in Miljöbyggnad 4.0, you can ensure a sustainable construction process, energy-efficient and healthy buildings. In addition, you get access to green mortgages, thanks to alignment with the EU taxonomy,” says Caroline Ekeberg, environmental building coordinator at Belatchew.

Sweden Green Building Council

2024, RUM
2023, Dagens Industri
2021, Rahel Belatchews Sommar i P1
2021, World Architecture News, Flora
Read more:
2021, ArchDaily, Flora
2021, Rahel Belatchew in ByRum.se
2021, Byggindustrin
2020, Resumé
2020, Fastighetsvärlden
2019, SVT Bo i staden
2019, Verve
2019, Svenska Dagbladet