Our overall solution for climate optimization is unique

27 april 2023

Keeping an eye on how to optimize the climate during new and remodeling is the key to sustainable construction. Belatchew is probably alone in being able to offer its customers a comprehensive solution that calculates climate, makes an energy calculation and calculates at an early stage.

Climate requirements are tightened with the EU’s taxonomy. In practice, the requirements mean that the threshold is raised for what can be called sustainable in terms of investments in the construction and property industry.

– We see a great need for solutions that are easy to understand for both property owners and tenants. That is why we have developed a unique process for climate optimization that we use during remodeling. This is usually where most people struggle with getting a process that works, says Elinor Blomberg who is an architect and responsible for sustainability issues at Belatchew.

Remodeling is most advantageous from a sustainability point of view. And if you can calculate the initial climate investment against the energy savings seen over a number of years, the project can be seen as sustainable. This also fulfills the requirements for green financing.

– The same applies if you have a building that is not used in an efficient or good way. If you make the premises flexible and the building more attractive, you can consider the building to be sustainable if it is used better, thanks to fewer built square meters per person. Otherwise, the risk is that the tenants will look for premises elsewhere. So it is just as important to have an attractive building as to improve energy consumption and sustainability in the long term, says Elinor.

In the overall solution, they work with a brand adaptation rather than tearing out entire premises. This means that in the case of tenant adaptations, in an educational way, mood boards are put together that show different options and how they compare to each other in terms of climate.

– There are certain parts that drive the climate the most during renovations, for example carpets but also installations. Then it is important to find a carpet that is durable over time. We call it aesthetic sustainability. If you don’t think something is nice, you will tear it out even if it has a very long life left. Our mood board shows which parts can be replaced and which parts are the base, concludes Elinor.

Belatchew is constantly working for more circular thinking. Among other things, in that models and drawings must contain information that can also be used during administration. This means that during the next rebuild, this model can be brought out and thus easier to make an adaptation at a later stage.

This is how we work with sustainability »

2024, RUM
2023, Dagens Industri
2021, Rahel Belatchews Sommar i P1
2021, World Architecture News, Flora
Read more:
2021, ArchDaily, Flora
2021, Rahel Belatchew in ByRum.se
2021, Byggindustrin
2020, Resumé
2020, Fastighetsvärlden
2019, SVT Bo i staden
2019, Verve
2019, Svenska Dagbladet