27 januari 2011


Rahel Belatchew Lerdell är Distinguished Speaker på ECOWEEK 2011 i Thessaloniki i april 2011.

”ECOWEEK is an independent non-governmental organization (NGO) with international activity. Its mission is to raise public environmental awareness and involvement of the public and especially young people, in environmental protection, ’green’ building and initiating activities that promote the principles of Sustainability. ECOWEEK was established in Greece in 2005, and today is active in Greece, Cyprus and the Middle East. ECOWEEK … habits change … climate change”


2024, RUM
2023, Dagens Industri
2021, Rahel Belatchews Sommar i P1
2021, World Architecture News, Flora
Read more:
2021, ArchDaily, Flora
2021, Rahel Belatchew in
2021, Byggindustrin
2020, Resumé
2020, Fastighetsvärlden
2019, SVT Bo i staden
2019, Verve
2019, Svenska Dagbladet