Full Page in Dagens Industri today!

18 oktober 2017

Today Sweden's major financial daily Dagens Industri features a full page advert from us.

Belatchew Arkitekter i Dagens Industri

”We will change your perspective. You may have read about our insect roundabouts, hairy energy houses or floating student housing? With us, you can experience the projects in VR before they even get built. We make architecture for a sustainable future in all conceivable dimensions. Please contact us if you are a person who wants to make a difference in your projects.”

2024, RUM
2023, Dagens Industri
2021, Rahel Belatchews Sommar i P1
2021, World Architecture News, Flora
Read more:
2021, ArchDaily, Flora
2021, Rahel Belatchew in ByRum.se
2021, Byggindustrin
2020, Resumé
2020, Fastighetsvärlden
2019, SVT Bo i staden
2019, Verve
2019, Svenska Dagbladet